Holistic Empowerment

how refreshing

My coaching program will help you restore yourself to wholeness through mind/body/soul holistic techniques that are grounded in my years of practice as a psychotherapist, college psychology instructor, hypnotherapist, and creative. I will help you find yourself again and become stronger and more empowered. I provide information about topics that are relevant to women's lives. I avoid toxic positivity. I talk about things in a realistic, trauma-informed way that teaches you how to meet yourself where you are, and build up from there, and develop strategic vision for your life.
women sitting on the floor meditating

Why Mandala: Women's Coaching Center

inspiration and purpose

I created Mandala to teach women holistic techniques for mastering the art of confidence, wellness, and strategic vision to leverage into their personal and professional lives. Mandalas are all about transformation of the self, and holistic means that we take the whole self into consideration. Confidence is not a singular, linear thing but a mixture of different elements that change depending on what you need and the circumstances that you're going through. Having taught college and worked for almost 20 years as a therapist, I have longed to combine the worlds of coaching and counseling into a place of education and holistic skills. I love teaching. There's so much that I am excited to share with you. I created this space for women to learn how to become empowered while dealing with the challenges of life. Join me in Mandala and let's have some fun while I teach you how to see yourself with a refreshing perspective that empowers you to derive more fulfillment from your life.
women chatting and laughing at a table

Program Includes:

Here are the ways that students are supported in the program

  • monthly live session for Diana to respond to Q&A from students

  • weekly online office hours for students to drop in to have questions answered

  • responsive to students' learning needs through discussions, Q&A, and surveys

  • topics of interest added in response to students' needs

  • resource library of classes, audio downloads, and printable materials

  • ability to email Diana with questions or enrollment needs


  • Is my purchase refundable if I find that I don't like the program?

    Purchases are final because there is so much product already completely available to you in your membership. You can cancel your membership anytime you like and return anytime you like. There is free content in the Essentials program so you are always welcome here no matter what your budget is!

  • How will I know if the program will really help me?

    This women's group was created from almost 20 years of experience helping women who were therapy clients. The content builds on the basic needs of most women, and is taught by Diana, who has been responsive to her clients' needs for almost 20 years. You're in good hands!

  • How do I know if I need coaching or counseling? What's the difference?

    This is a question that most people have when they are trying to figure out what they need. It's sort of like the difference between having a personal trainer at the gym and also needing to see a doctor when you need medical treatment. The trainer is going to help you with exercises and teach you the modifications and the doctor is going to treat you for the injury. The same thing is true for coaching. For example, a coaching student may be practicing setting healthy boundaries but may be experiencing some painful emotions from trauma that need to be addressed in therapy or worked through using some of the journaling and self-care practices taught in coaching.

  • What if I'm still not sure if I need coaching or counseling?

    Just like it's always good to exercise, even if you need to use modifications, the same is true for my coaching program. You aren't going to do any harm to yourself by joining the women's group. In fact, it will help you learn more about yourself and what your strengths and your needs are. Plus, you can always ask Diana to clarify these things in relation to program content.

  • Do I have to share anything personal in this group?

    No, you do not have to share anything personal. This is an ongoing class for learning skills, concepts, tools, and all sorts of things to help you learn. It's not a therapy support group and you will not be asked to share anything personal.

  • Is this an online therapy group?

    No, it is not a therapy group and it does not replace medical treatment or mental health counseling.

  • What if I miss a webinar?

    Recordings of live webinars will be saved to the student classroom so that you can watch them later on.

  • What if I'm already in therapy? Will this program conflict with my therapy?

    No, this program would support and enhance what you're learning in therapy. In fact, your therapist would probably be really glad that you're working on things like resilience, goal setting, sense of self, mindfulness, meditation, mindset, and lots of other tools!

  • What does holistic mean in terms of this program?

    Holistic means addressing the whole needs of a person. Personal development and confidence incorporate a lot of different aspects of the self and how we experience our lives. Besides the typical mind/body/meaning type of approach, Diana also talks about human development and learning styles. You'll do fine if you're not creative or if you're a more analytical type of person. In fact, learning differences are embraced in the program.


Instructor Bio:

Hello! I'm Diana Zilly, MA, MS, LCPC, CH. I've spent the past 20 years as a practitioner/scholar of psychology and mental health working as a counselor and a college psychology instructor. I've also studied yoga, martial arts, aerial arts, and hypnotherapy. I love teaching. I'm a creative person teaching mind/body practices and insights to help women lead more fulfilling lives. Glad to have you here!

Diana Zilly

Senior Instructor

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